MAC Address :- Media Access Control Address, is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces to communication on a physical network segment.
Spoofing MAC address means we will change our MAC address so that we will remain anonymous.
1. Kali Linux(preferred), Windows
For Kali users
1. Fire up your kali engine.
2. Open terminal.
3. Type here ifconfig, to get the interfaces on which you are working.
4. Then type airmon-ng stop wlan0. Here my interface is wlan0, your could be anything like eth0, wlan0 etc etc.
5. Now type macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0. Here also your interface.
6. Now type airmon-ng start wlan0.
For Windows users
1. Download an application i.e. SMAC 2.0.
2. Run this app and type your custom MAC address and click on start.
3. Done MAC address changed.
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Spoofing MAC address means we will change our MAC address so that we will remain anonymous.
1. Kali Linux(preferred), Windows
For Kali users
1. Fire up your kali engine.
2. Open terminal.
3. Type here ifconfig, to get the interfaces on which you are working.
4. Then type airmon-ng stop wlan0. Here my interface is wlan0, your could be anything like eth0, wlan0 etc etc.
5. Now type macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0. Here also your interface.
6. Now type airmon-ng start wlan0.
For Windows users
1. Download an application i.e. SMAC 2.0.
2. Run this app and type your custom MAC address and click on start.
3. Done MAC address changed.
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